Filter your list of locations

Filtering your locations

There are several location filters possible to configure for your platform. By default we will configure the standard, most used filter options. Feel free to contact our support team to see what is possible!

The consultants might also apply certain default activated location filters in your default framework. This means that no matter what period or simulation you are selecting, the same applied filters will always appear. Be aware of this and clear all filters in once if needed:

Most platforms have no specific default filter options installed, this means that within the framework you will see the list of all active (=open) locations corresponding to the selected baseline period or simulation.

On the bottom of the page you can go to the next page (max 100 locations can be displayed per page)

 However, frameworks are configured to benchmark the relevant data, for a relevant set of locations. Applying filters and shortening your list of locations makes your benchmarking exercise more easy & relevant

You can use the configured location filters in the settings bar to manage your list of locations in the framework. In the previous article your already learned how to apply the correct settings. The next step then is to apply one or more relevant location filters. 

The screenshot below is an example of possible location filters. 

Depending on the different framework tabs and benchmarking purpose, different filters can be used.

TIP! Collapse the different location filters by clicking on the arrow in the corner. This will make your display look a bit cleaner.

After selecting the checkbox(es) of the desired filter(s) you click on to activate your filter(s). You can deactivate them again when you don't need them anymore. Make sure to also press on apply after deactivating!

You can also clear all filters at once by clicking on


Possible location filters

  • Filter on location names to make a custom selection of your own locations (by default configured)
  • Filter on classification. Based on the real sales deviation from the benchmark, locations can be classified into 3 groups 
    • Underperformers
    • Unprofitable locations w/o growth potential (only when profitability data is delivered)
    • Outperformers
  • Filter on clusters to benchmark a location to a homogenous group of other locations
    • mainly important for the opportunity framework
    • Clusters are defined by the customers (with help from consultants)
  • Filter on a location characteristics such as visibility 


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