Data sources & information about updates

The RetailSonar platform contains many different data sets from different sources. Some data sources can be regularly updated, if this is available. 

Below you can find an overview of which data sets can be included in the platform and when they are updated

Network sales & customer data - provided by client

  • Network performance data as delivered by client

Update frequency: usually updated yearly during the maintenance. More frequent updates are possible when opting for API or opting to learn to do the sales uploads yourself. For both options, contact your consultant.

Competition datapack - provided by RetailSonar

  • Up-to-date location list + gross surfaces for relevant segments > visible in and exportable from the platform
  • Assessment of competitive strength (business knowledge, market reports, customer overlap & product overlap)
  • In some cases this can also be provided by the client

Update frequency & notification: this is stipulated in your license contract. The frequency can range from monthly to quarterly to biyearly to yearly.

 According to the specified frequency, you will receive an email in advance when the update will find place. After the update is done (which takes mostly a day or two) we will notify you with a list of the changes. A new baseline period will be added to the platform, which will contain the date of update. This data is by default updated annually during the maintenance in case no frequent updates were desired.

Remark: You are always able to update this data yourself between our updates in the Data Management module.

Local acitvity / Points of Interest datapack  - provided by RetailSonar  

  • Up-to-date location data (incl. yearly visitors estimate) 
  • Validated cross visit calculation model
  • Visible in and exportable from the platform
  • Integrated in the predictive model

Update frequency & notification: updated yearly during the maintenance. More frequent updates are possible if discussed with your consultant.

Remark: You are always able to update this data yourself between our updates in the Data Management module.

Socio-demographics datapack - provided by RetailSonar

  • Socio demographical data that contribute to the calculation of the market size
  • visible in and exportable from the platform
    • e.g. Inhabitants, wealth index, age groups, ethnicity, tourist visits, mailboxes...

Update frequency: yearly during the maintenance. In case you want more frequent updates (and these are available by official sources such as Statbel), please contact your RetailSonar consultant.

Drivetimes datapack - provided by RetailSonar

  • Included in configuration; 
    • Speed profiles (by car) on each road segment: assessed by smart traffic data
    • Drivetime calculation engine between each living block and each relevant location
      • Drivetime visualization in the platform by applying the map layer ' drivetime to closest [own locations]
    • Used for assessment of willingness to travel 

Car passage / footfall datapack - provided by RetailSonar

Update frequency: annually




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